
CRISIS provides counselling and support to people who need it when they need it.

You have arrived at CRISIS, a counselling service based in Erskine, near Glasgow, and works with people to achieve better mental health across 23 of Scotland’s 32 Local Authority areas.

Since 1996, we have counselled over 50,000 people to improve mental health.

We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us achieve this through their commitment to the integrity and ethics of the service we provide and to keep working successfully through the pandemic. We have been able to support 2,200 clients over the past year, face to face on Zoom, and we continue to take referrals and support as many people as possible.

25 Years, 50,000 Stories

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You may be curious about what we do or looking for help either for yourself or others to better manage mental health problems affecting everyday life.

You may be studying for Diploma in Counselling or Doctorate in Counselling Psychology and seeking a placement to enhance your experience and build your portfolio.

You may be an Employer whose employee is struggling with work-related issues or when a problem within their personal life affects performance or issues or attendance or you have a critical situation in your workplace.

You may be a military veteran coping with transitions to civilian life and possibly dealing with the complications of life-changing physical or psychological injury.

You may be a parent or guardian concerned about children facing a range of challenges.

You may be a carer looking after a family member or friend and affected by the responsibility this entails and the possibility of a deteriorating health situation.

If any or these situations are applicable to you or someone you know, have a look at the services we offer and Get in Touch. Take this first step to achieving better mental health.

CRISIS Web Site Contact Form

Feel free to get in touch....just drop us an email and we'll get back to you, as soon as possible.


©2025 Crisis Counselling. Registered Scottish Charity SCO27620

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